Contact Us:
This site is a national pet recovery service of Petbase Pty Ltd.
You can contact us in a number of ways:
Phone: For general information phone 02 8850 6800 in business
Eastern Standard Time (9 - 5, Monday to Friday)
Fax: 02 9894 5782
ABN # 49 095 610 334
Privacy Policy:
Owner information recorded on our National pet recovery database
will be treated in the strictest confidence and not be supplied
to third parties unless the owners, at the time of recording the
details of their pets, positively indicate that they wish to "opt
in" to periodically receive pet-related information and offers.
Why "Opt in"?
Like you, we dislike unsolicited & irrelevant "junk mail".
This is why any offers we will send you from time to time will
be pet related, of highest quality, & confer substantial &
meaningful benefits to you and your pet. For example, those who
"opt in" will receive only premium product samples &/or substantial
discounts on pet products & services in your area.
We have made "opting out" as simple as selecting "Opt out" from
the menu on the registration page. We will totally respect your
wishes for privacy.
Whether opting "In or Out" the primary purpose of Petsafe will
always be to give your loved pet the best chance of a safe return